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“The Beforeigners” from HBO – Damm good series from Norway

The Beforeigners is a Norwegian series created by Anne Bjørnstad and Eilif Skodvin, and directed by Jens Lien. It premiered in 2019 on HBO and went relatively unnoticed. And it should be stressed that this series absolutely deserve to be noticed. The plot of the series is based on a fairly simple assumption: suddenly, in the 21st century, individuals from the past appear. Nobody knows how or why this phenomenon is occuring in the whole world, but mankind has to deal with it somehow. On this note, most of the reviews I’ve come across so far, refer to this idea as “bizzare”. While in fact the idea for the series is nothing new (Just Vsiting, 2001 movie). The idea itself is nothing new – it’s the interpretation that is new. The script takes the idea quite seriously and uses it on many different levels. And the result is, well, just fascinating.

Action begins a few years after the arrival of the first beforeigners. As viewers, we follow the fate of the two main characters – Lars, a talented investigator who struggles with addiction, and Alfhildr, a former shieldmaiden, and now the first policewoman to migrate through time. Not going into to many details, the action revolves around a murder committed on a woman, who migrated to the present day. The main characters deal with the investigation in style -more or less in line with the police guidelines and, but generaly, the criminal theme appears to be quite simple.

So why is these series are so special? Contrary to appearances, it is not so easy to describe. The plot of the series focuses on the main criminal plot, but includes many other smaller plots that are equally interesting and at the same time bind the story into a logical whole. The characters of the series are treated by the screenwriter with respect and distance. Dialogues may lack a certain finesse (it may be a matter of translation), but they are fluid. The humor in the series is very realistic and on point. Definitely a good side of the series is the ability to show interpersonal relationships that play a very important role in it.

And most importantly – the The Beforeigners – newcomers from the past in the modern world is a concept used in the series really well. After watching, I was very impressed with how many different ways the producers and screenwriters used this concept. It made possible to create fascinating, interesting heroes. It simulated the social and historical background for the whole story, and you can clearly see that the writers were able to really make use of its potential, and in so many different ways. And the vast majority of them are surprising and fresh for the viewer.

When watching The Beforeigners, the viewer will not experience CGI or loud special effects. The series did not have a huge budget or hundreds of extras. Or, it had it, but chose to use strict aesthetics on purpose. If that’s the case, then the producers are to be congratulated for making the right choice. The choice of music is perfect, and the props and decorations are tasteful and meaningful. All this together is a great cocktail of novelties, noticeable even in the smallest details. And in the cinematic world of exploding cars and never-ending shootings, productions of this type stand out.

In conclusion, we highly recommend The Beforeginers series and look forward to the next season. Especially now, in the difficult period of the pandemic, which has stopped a lot of production, we need more gems like this.


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